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Natacha Paquignon



The Platform


French Institute

City of Lyon

Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes Region



The "Art inclusif" project took place again in 2022/2023 with the students of Arts en Scène and the Freiburger Schauspielschule. Several times of meetings and creation took place, to lead to a performance around the issues of inclusion and the place of bodies in the public space, choreographed and directed by Natacha Paquignon, played in Fribourg-en-Brisgau in Germany.


Meeting and artistic creation


"L'Art Inclus(if)/Inklusive Kunst" is an artistic project carried out for several years in partnership with the Plateforme de la jeune création franco-allemande (Plattform), established in Lyon since its creation in 2007, is a non-profit association under the 1901 law whose objective is to forge close links between young artists from France, Germany and, more generally, Europe.


The objective of this project is to bring future actors and actresses to question themselves about the place of the artist in society, about the possible commitment outside the theatres, with audiences who do not necessarily have access to culture, and to be inspired by the encounter with artists engaged in creative and mediation processes with people in situations of social exclusion.


Natacha Paquignon and Markus Schlüter



The Platform


French Institute

City of Lyon

Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes Region


Photo and video credits: Not wise of images



The project was led by students from the Arts en Scène theater school in Lyon and the Freiburger Schauspielschule in Germany, with times of meeting and creation. The participants spent a week in the Lyon region, with various structures offering workshops on the theme of inclusion through art, accompanied by artistic workshops with Natacha Paquignon and Markus Schlüter. At the end of this first part, a residence exit took place on Friday, November 26, 2021 at the LabLab, Villeurbanne.

A second part in Fribourg was planned for January 2022, more focused on the artistic work influenced by Lyon meetings, in order to integrate it into a creation, always in collaboration with Natacha Paquignon and Markus Schlüter. The project that almost went as planned until the end, but that Covid disturbed in the middle, gave birth to The Cov-Exclusion Experiment, an experimental performance of Franco-German dance and theater, in real life and at a distance.

The final creation was played on Wednesday, January 26, 2022 at the Toï Toï Le Zinc, Villeurbanne.

©2023 par Cie Corps Au Bord | Natacha Paquignon

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